Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Why do the Lifeplan?

What is it?   

The “Life Plan” is a congregationally-led strategic planning process that helps a church prayerfully explore ministry opportunities in the community around it and then develop a strategic ministry plan accordingly. 

Why Do it? 

The FMCiC encourages all its churches to do Life Plan on a regular basis.   At regular intervals, healthy congregations take time to prayerfully consider how things are going in its ministry, and to ask questions like, “Are there changes that we need to make to become more effective?” “Are there areas we are overlooking where we could be involved in helping and reaching people in our neighbourhood and beyond?” 

Who is Leading it?

 In June, the Official Board asked Dave Moriarity to head up the Life Plan for us at the FreeWay, and to put together a Life-Plan team that can lead our congregation through this strategic-planning process.   Our Life Plan Team had its first meeting on Tuesday, September 18.  The 2012 Life Plan Team consists of:  Dave Moriarity, Tyler Lane, Kim Kacaba, Dustin Kacaba, Cathy Harris, Rob Clements, and Andrew Moriarity.

How Can I Get Involved?

1) There will be a number of opportunities for direct participation as the process unfolds (congregational visioning sessions and feedback meetings, etc.).   Please plan to participate in these as they come up.

 2) Please commit to pray for our Life-Plan team on a regular basis.  Pray for camaraderie on the team, clarity, insight, discernment, energy and joy as they do their work.

3)  Complete the Congregational Survey.  Share your thoughts about where the FreeWay’s at by taking the Life-Plan opinion survey at: www.surveymonkey.com/s/freewaylifeplan

4) Track with the Life-Plan. Please continue to follow us on this blog for updates and to use it as an open forum where we can discuss the process together. We want to hear from you about everything, the good, the bad and the ugly. This is a learning process for us and we plan to do it every 2 years. The more we learn from it this time the more effectively we can do it next time.

Thank you for your support in this process.

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